Friday, January 12, 2007


Welcome to Blue Begonia News & Calendar.

If you are interested in the Blue Begonia website, with the complete catalogue and ordering information, visit

For first time visitors, this site started in 2005. It was a way to get the word out about Weathered Pages, an anthology of poems left on the poetry pole at Blue Begonia Press, and two fine chapbooks released at the same time by Keely Murphy and Doug Johnson, continuing the Working Signs Series from Blue Begonia Press.

In the past year, two more books have been released by the press: One Hundred Steps from Shore, by Poulsbo poet Jenifer Browne Lawrence and The Secret Language of Women by Yakima poet and CWU professor, Terry Martin.

If you scroll down the page, you’ll see recent posts including a schedule of upcoming readings, video previews of the two most recent books along with sample reviews. I’ve also included a few select videos from the Writers and Ideas class I’ve taught at YVCC the past two years. To see the incredible work students have done in response to these reading and lectures, and for more videos, click here.

If you are interested in going back further, or finding information not seen on this first page, use the links under “Archives” on the right side of the screen.

Feel free to leave a comment, or send me an email.

1 comment:

Simon said...

Cool blog, Dan. Innovative use of blogging and video recordings of poetry. With a bit more work you could make this available as a video podcast, and get people watching and listening on their iPods, too.
Hook up with other members of the poetry podcasting community at My own podcast, Slam Idol, is an online open-mic and performance poetry contest. All the best, Simon.